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Kino Flo provides professional lighting for film and TV sets with variable color temperature and universal power supply options.

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Kino Flo is a quintessential lighting tool in the film and television industry, celebrated for its quality and flexibility. These lights are favored for their ability to produce a soft, even light, ideal for a wide range of applications, from interviews to large-scale movie productions. Kino Flo units are renowned for their energy efficiency, lightweight design, and ease of use. With variable color temperature settings, they seamlessly adapt to any set environment, mimicking both daylight and artificial light. Universal power supply enables use across different geographic locations without concern for varying electrical standards. The dimensions change depending on the model, allowing for customization to fit diverse spaces and setups. Opting for a Kino Flo in your next production project ensures high-quality lighting, versatility, and professional-grade performance.

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